Create Nameless Folders in Windows

How to Create Nameless Folders in Windows - XPCTips

In this small tutorial I'll show you a simple Windows Trick. Basically you can not make a folder without name in Windows. This trick allows you to make a folder without any name. This trick works on any Windows operating system.

How To Make Nameless Folder

Before you try this trick, try to make a folder without a name, and will fail to do so. This is what this trick will let you do. The following is a snapshot of the folder before and after doing this interesting trick.

Create Nameless Folders in Windows - XPCTips

#1: Make a New folder on desktop or where ever you want.

#2: Right click on this newly created folder and select Rename.

#3: Erase the text showing "New Folder".

#4: Now keep Pressing Alt (i.e alter key) and type 255. If you are on laptop then you need to enable your Num Lock and type from the highlighted number keys not from those below function keys.

#5: After that leave alt key and Press enter.

#6: Done.

You've successfully created a nameless folder.

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